In order to contribute to the development of the software testing industry, Turkish Testing Board organizes 1-1.5 hour events on software testing and quality by evaluating the demands from institutions. The activities consist of presentations and question-answer sections on the following topics:
- AI-assisted Testing
- Leadership in the Age of AI
- AI for UX
- AI-First
- AI-assisted Business Analysis
- Mobile Testing – Pairwise Technique
- Sailing Teams and Agile Teams: Who is responsible for testing in Agile Projects?
- Ice-creams, Test Automation Anti-Patterns, and Entropy
- Human Mind vs Artificial Intelligence – Who will be the winner in software testing?
- Formula 1 and Continuous X: Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment, and Continuous Testing
- Remote Testing vs. Music: Harmony and Melody. How Musical Concepts are Related to Software Testing.
- How Test-Driven Development (TDD) Will Break The Illusion About Your Code?
- Smurf Village, Graph Theory and Blockchain: Testing Techniques for Blockchain Networks, Metaverses and Games
- Functional Tests vs Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Security (RAMS) Tests – Homer Simpson Approach
- How to build a lightning speed software? Lessons learned from the superhero, Flash!
- Usage of RPA at Test Process
- Testing Approaches in Agile Projects
- Magic vs Testing: How Test-Driven Development (TDD) Will Break The Illusion About Your Code?
- Tester X.0: Brilliant Career Paths Awaiting Testers
- The Future of the Tester: A Career in an I-shaped, T-shaped, Pi-shaped or Comb-shaped
- Software Testing Trends in the World
- Status of Testers in Turkey
- Ways to Test Faster and More Effectively
- ISTQB Tester Certifications
- TTB Activities
- International Software Testing Conference TestIstanbul
- Turkey Software Quality Report
- ISTQB Worldwide Software Testing Practices Report

If you want to invite TTB to your institution for such events and increase the awareness of software testing and quality within your institution, simply fill out the form in the link below.
Important Note: The form you will fill in is a request form, TTB reserves the right to evaluate the request and reject the invitation.
Previous Seminars
Information meetings held by the Turkish Testing Board to contribute to the development of the software testing field continue.
Important issues in the field of software testing were discussed at the event held at ITU Technokent, On Thursday, December 1, 2016.
Topics Covered at the Event:
– Test Engineering Career
– Latest Status of Software Testing in the World and in Turkey, Trends
– Turkey Software Quality Report
– ISTQB Worldwide Software Testing Practices Report
– International Software Testing Conference TestIstanbul – Agile Testing
First of the panels that Turkish Testing Board attended in in order to contribute to the development of the software testing industry was held in Turkcell Global Bilgi. The session, which was held with more than 40 participants, ended with questions & answers after the presentation of Turkish Testing Board Chairman Koray Yitmen.