International Certification Exams
Turkish Testing Board, Türkiye’de bilişim personellerinin yazılım test ve kalitesi alanında uluslararası standartlarda sertifikalanmasının sağlanması, sektörü bilinçlendirmek amacıyla 2006 yılında kurulmuştur. 2006 yılından bu yana uluslararası ISTQB® sertifika sınavlarını gerçekleştirerek sınavda başarılı olan katılımcılara uluslararası geçerliliği olan sertifikalar vermektedir. 6.000’den fazla test uzmanı adayı Turkish Testing Board®’a başvurarak sertifika sınavlarına girmiştir. Dernek bünyesinde düzenlenmekte olan sertifika sınavları:
- Foundation Level Certified Tester (CTFL)
- Foundation Level – Agile Tester (CTFL-AT)
- Specialist – Performance Testing (CT-PT)
- Specialist – Test Automation Engineer (CT-TAE)
- Specialist – AI Testing (CT-AI)
- Specialist – Mobile Application Testing (CT-MAT)
- Specialist – Automotive Software Tester (CT-AuT)
- Advanced Level – Test Manager (CTAL-TM)
- Advanced Level – Test Analyst (CTAL-TA)
- Advanced Level – Technical Test Analyst (CTAL-TTA)
Software Testing Events
The association has been organizing International TestIstanbul Conferences since 2010. In the past 11 conferences, 50 keynotes and more than 6.000 participants from 50 countries were hosted. Besides that, the association organizes free panels for the development of the software testing industry based on the sector or subject, open to the participation of everyone. More than 1.000 professionals have participated in these panels so far.
The panels organized so far and the panel series that will be organized in the coming period: Test Finance, TestInsurance, TestAnkara, Testİzmir, TestGames, TestFinTech, TestDefence and TestRemote.
Content and Translation Studies
The association organizes industry surveys every year in parallel with the TestIstanbul conferences and publishes industry trends from these surveys. Up to now, by have been publishing 11 studies and the development of the sector has been supported. In addition, the translation and review group within the association is working on the translation of ISTQB® documents in order to bring the international software testing terminology to our country. Documents that have been translated and provided free of charge to software test professionals so far:
- ISTQB® International Certified Software Tester Foundation Level Syllabus 2011
- ISTQB® International Certified Software Tester Foundation Level Syllabus 2018
- ISTQB® Software Testing Glossary
- ISTQB® International Certified Advanced Level – Test Analyst Syllabus
Success Scholarships and Collaborative Studies with Non-Governmental Organizations
Turkish Testing Board has been organizing International TestIstanbul Conferences since 2010. To date, 45 keynotes and more than 7,000 participants from 40 countries have been hosted in 12 conferences. Up to date, 45 keynotes and more than 7,000 participants from 40 countries have been hosted in 12 conferences.
Profit from the TestIstanbul conference and certification exams has been charged as scholarships to successful and needy students studying in the Computer / Software Engineering and Computer Programming departments in Republic of Turkey universities. In addition to that, the association contributes to other non-profit organizations operating in Turkey by donating to non-governmental organizations in Turkey.
Yazılım Test ve Kalite Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi olarak olarak kurumumuzun kalite politikası; katılımcılarımızın ihtiyaçlarını ve beklentilerini sürekli karşılayarak, ilgili yasal ve güvenlik şartlarına uygunluğunu sağlamak ve sürekli gelişme ve iyileşme prensibini olarak benimsemeyi amaç edinmiştir.